专著:1.刘正光《认知语言学十讲》、2.《语言非范畴化——语言范畴化的重要组成部分(修订版)》、3.曾涛《汉语儿童早期范畴分类能力的发展研究》、4.余小强《违实条件句:哲学阐释及语义解读》 论文:1. 认知对等及其认识论意义,刘正光,《外国语》2020;2.英汉时空概念化方式差异:时空分立与时空同态,刘正光,《外语教学与研究》2019;3.The effect of language proficiency on L2 English learners’ processing of morphologically complex words: Evidence from masked transposed letter priming,曾涛,Neuroscience Letters,SSCI,2019;4. 再 谈 阻 断 效 应,王莹莹,《外国语》,2020;5. Within-organ contrast in second language perception: The perception of Russian initial /r-l/ contrast by Chinese learners,陈晓湘,Journal of the Acoustical society of America,2019;6. The morpho-syntax of numerals dzi(33)/dzi(35) ‘one’ in Shuhi and implications for the semantics of numerals,贺川生,Lingua,2019。7.On the discovery and interpretation of overcounting in Orkhon Inscription, 贺川生,Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 2020 8. 概数词“多”的形式句法和形式语言,贺川生,《当代语言学》,2020。 |